Monday, July 25, 2011

The Other Side of Life (Book #1, Cyberpunk Elven Trilogy)


Summary: A thieving duo’s world turns upside down when an Elven rogue uncovers the heinous dealings of a megacorporation. * * * Genre: Urban Fantasy / Cyberpunk / YA with adult crossover appeal * * * Recommended for adults or young adults seeking cyberpunk themes (not hardcore sci-fi), and a love story (not fluffy romance). * * *


For a YA book this is well written and as an adult you can sort of relate to the characters. I do believe that this is best served to the young adult crowd and they would do best with it so if you have a 14-17 year old ripping at your nerves quite them with this book. However if you do not you may want to pass or gift this one.

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