Thursday, July 7, 2011

Author Interview: Paul M. Schofield author of TROPHY (THE TROPHY SAGA)

About your book: TROPHY (THE TROPHY SAGA)
Five hundred years in the future, after the collapse of civilization in the 21st century, the Earth has been restored to beauty and peace by the women directed New Victorian Empire under the care of the Guardians and CENTRAL, the ruling super-computer. But mankind's continued existence is in jeopardy, and it seems that time travel through the mysterious Keyhole in space is the only way to rescue the human race. In a classic struggle between good and evil, Lieutenant Janet Rogerton and the determined officers of the Empire pursue the deadly rebel Galen Bestmarke through space and time to stop him from making more living trophies and to gain the knowledge that only he possesses about time travel ... knowledge desperately needed to save humanity. With only two generations left success is absolutely essential to prevent mankind's total extinction.

TROPHY is an engaging, fast moving and action packed science-fiction adventure with fusion powered star-ships, soldiers of the Planetary Control Corp, half human androids, half animal androids, mind-linked guider/pouncer teams, computer controlled societies, tender moments and riveting action. Highly recommended for young adult and adult readers, the TROPHY saga will continue with sequels and prequels.

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What do you think readers will find notable about this book?

Paul M. Schofield
I think the whole concept of the New Victorian Empire will be fascinating to many. How it came into existence, the important role women play, and the idea of a Solar System wide form of computer government are stimulating thoughts. I'm excited about the relationships shown between humans and animals: for example, the guider/pouncer team consisting of a highly trained woman electronically mind-linked to an extensively trained cat and used as part of the defensive system of a star-ship. The matter of hunting and trophy taking present moral dilemmas and the imagery of living trophies is shocking to the mind. Time-travel through a worm-hole, the Keyhole, is already an established idea, but describing the process with sub-warp technology is interesting. And last, but not least, the struggle and growth of the main characters will hopefully keep you glued to the unfolding story.

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Have you acquired any good anecdotes surrounding this book? If so, could you share one?

Paul M. Schofield
Have you ever had a mid-life crises? Maybe you're not to that point yet, but it seems to happen to nearly everyone sooner or later. I was at that stage – both my wife and I were working, trying to make ends meet, the kids were small, life was a rat-race. I needed a small distraction. I had always liked to write so I took an adult-education creative writing class at the high-school a few blocks from where we lived. One night a week and a writing assignment … that's where it all started back in 1991. I continued writing for another year and then everything went into a drawer. Life resumed its rat-race. In 2009 I showed my past work to my friend Ronda, an English grad giving creative writing classes, and asked for her opinion. She loved it and said to finish it. With a lot of help from pros, friends, and family “Trophy” was done in six months, some parts having been rewritten seven times. When you can finally write the words “The End”, it's a feeling like no other.

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Did researching and writing this book teach you anything or influence your thinking in any way?

Paul M. Schofield
A novel is an investment in time, energy, and mental resources. How much of an investment is up to you. The writing experience taught me, or exposed to me, my real motives for spending countless hours on the first draft, even more on editing and rewrites, and opening up my innermost thoughts and feelings, revealing who I really am to the outside world. It is humbling, and a little fearsome in retrospect, to throw out your privately held ideas, the ones you find exciting, to a public that may be as excited about them as you are, to one that may laugh in your face, or to an indifferent, apathetic world that ignores you. The last scenario is indeed the worst. Most of us want to help others in some manner and there are many ways to do this. If I can entertain people, give them food for thought, direct their consciousness along a different plane for a few hours, and leave them satisfied with wonder – I have accomplished my goal. I love to write and tell stories. Writing “Trophy”, my first novel, awakened this desire and now I'm afraid I can't quit.

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What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?

Paul M. Schofield
How the book made you feel. Did you enjoy the action scenes... did it draw you closer to animals … did parts of the story repel you … did other scenes give you hope … could you picture yourself living in the New Victorian Empire?

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Can you suggest one question readers might find interesting to discuss, concerning you, your writing, or this book?

Paul M. Schofield
How would you feel about living in the New Victorian Empire with a government ruled by a super-computer and overseen entirely by women?

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How can readers help you promote this book?

Paul M. Schofield
First of all, I deeply appreciate any help promoting “Trophy”. Indie authors need all the help they can get. If you truly liked the book then tell your friends. Word of mouth is still the best form of advertising. Do reviews or comments on blogs, websites, and other forms of social media. Post reviews with companies like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, etc. Be honest with your comments. If there are parts you really liked, say so. If there are aspects you didn't care for, say that, too. The book ultimately has to stand on its own.

About you: Paul M. Schofield

Through the pages of my writing, I enjoy sharing my rich inner world, as so aptly described by my ISFJ personality profile. I once read that truly great stories create a universe in which the reader can become totally absorbed, and that is what I endeavor to accomplish for my readers. My home office in the mountains of western North Carolina affords me the privacy I need to write and after a particularly intense writing session, my wife, Ellen, tells me that my eyes portray that I'm still in that world. We take that as a sign that the creative juices are flowing freely. I'm not sure whether my inspiration for Trophy came from my childhood in Montana that nourished my love of animals and the outdoors, my architecture career that gave me an appreciation for details like reworking and editing, or my amateur astronomy hobby that has fostered within me an awesome appreciation for the heavens...but I kind of think it may have been all of the above. My inspiration is further fueled by my writing buddies, our rescued cats Riley, a British short-hair, and Yoda, a black Bombay who is a miniature of Trophy's great black cat, Panther. I'm currently working (as fast as I can!) on the sequel to Trophy, which will be entitled, Trophy: Rescue. Ultimately, there will be five books that make up the Trophy saga.

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Why do you write?

Paul M. Schofield
Lord Byron said: “If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad.” In many respects, it's the same for me. My personality type labels me as having a “rich inner imagination” and I would have to say that's true. Sometimes I'll go back and read my work and wonder, “where did I come up with that?” It's scary. But the bottom line for writing is simply, I love to write. If I can make some money at it, so much the better, but I'll always continue to write.

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What is your greatest strength as a writer?

Paul M. Schofield

One of my editors loves my description and action scenes and I tend to agree that these are some of my strong points. Character development is more difficult and is definitely a work in progress. Perhaps my greatest strength is being able to project mental imagery into the mind of the reader with such certainty and realism that you feel you are there or are watching a movie play out in your mind.

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What quality do you most value in yourself?

Paul M. Schofield
I would have to say the quality of honesty. All my life I have tried to be honest in my speech, dealings with others, and especially with my family and friends. This has translated into my writing in that I give it my best effort to be accurate. Science fiction should accurately reflect known scientific laws and principles, and any theoretical science should be harmonious with the latest facts and theories. True science-fiction should be believable. I like to call it future-fiction.

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In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?

Paul M. Schofield
Ever since Comet Halley appeared in 1985 I have been absorbed in amateur astronomy. I love looking at the night sky for the many hidden treasures it holds. Having a dark location where we live in the mountains of North Carolina is a bonus for viewing the stars, star clusters, planets, galaxies, and nebulae that litter the night sky. Learning of these wonders and keeping up to date with the latest findings contributes to the accuracy of my writing. Astronomy is a very cerebral exercise. We are only scratching the surface with our modest telescopes, but the visions and dreams they give us are fuel for our imaginations.

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What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?

Paul M. Schofield
I have had a career in architectural design, have a great hobby in astronomy, and have written my first sci-fi novel, but my greatest love and accomplishment has been my marriage of forty-one years to my wife and best friend, Ellen. Material pursuits and goals come and go, but the happiness of a good family relationship through all the ups and downs that life throws at you is pretty hard to beat. She has been my constant companion, helper, and love over all the years.

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Is there any new or established author whom you feel deserves more attention, and what is it that strikes you about his or her work?

Paul M. Schofield
A friend of ours has written a thrilling and terrifying CIA novel that links a global terrorist plot to the ongoing world-wide AIDS epidemic. The book is MOSQ by Shepherd Graham, and is published by Plot Thickens Press. Graham has years of accurate medical research behind this fast moving action adventure. The complex plot with unexpected twists and turns as well as rich character development make it a real page turner and truly an eye-opener. I found it hard to put down.

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