“One, two! One, two! and through and through the vorpal blade went snicker-snack!” Blood pounded in Tjaden’s ears as he breathed in the acrid odor, and his sword didn’t falter. Not after the convoluted road that had led him to set out alone to find and slay the manxome Jabberwocky. But the secrets he’d learned about the Jabberwocky’s sorrowful past made it a sour victory.
How different would the situation be if the girl he loved wasn’t at risk? Why didn’t anyone tell him the dark secrets surrounding the Tumtum tree?
Jabberwocky, a short novel by Daniel Coleman, is the untold story inspired by Lewis Carroll’s epic poem. Meet the characters and creatures that inhabit the world long before Alice ever fell down the rabbit’s hole.
While staying true to every detail of Lewis Carroll’s masterpiece, Jabberwocky provides twists that will keep you turning pages. You might know how it ends, but you won’t believe how it happens.
Free Book Reviews
What do you think readers will find most notable about this book?
Daniel Coleman
A hilarious cat that’s not a cat, and twists you wouldn’t expect after reading Lewis Carroll’s poem that inspired my novel. (Technically, it's a novella, coming in at 39,500 words.)
Free Book Reviews
Have you acquired any good anecdotes surrounding this book? If so, could you share one?
Daniel Coleman
My mom loves it. Does that count? (Yeah, that was a joke.)
Free Book Reviews
What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?
Daniel Coleman
I’ll quote a recent review of Jabberwocky: “Looking for an AWESOME ebook? Read this…now. You won’t regret it. It’s absurdly underpriced at $.99…” And that from a Lewis Carroll aficionado, so I guess I did something right. I can’t describe the feeling of hearing feedback like that. The words I write are dead until a reader picks up my work and gives them life in his or her imagination.
Free Book Reviews
Can you suggest one question readers might find interesting to discuss, concerning you, your writing in general, or this book?
Daniel Coleman
For someone who hasn’t read the book yet: “How could a lone boy hope to succeed where squadrons of trained soldiers have failed?”
If you’ve read the book: “Did you think Tjaden (the hero) cheated in the manner he killed the Jabberwocky? Was it a fair fight?”
Free Book Reviews
How can readers help you promote this book?
Daniel Coleman
Buy it. Read it. Love it. I think the rest is organic as readers share their enthusiasm on Facebook, Amazon, friends, families, strangers on the subway, mortal enemies, alien life forms. Sorry, I got a little carried away there; it happens sometimes.
About You: Daniel Coleman
Daniel Coleman spends his time back and forth between two worlds - the fantastic world of Writing where happy endings are common, and the very real- life world of Firefighting where the outcomes are as varied as the emergencies.
A small farming town in northern Utah is his home, where he resides with his wife, 3 kids and an ever-changing menagerie.
Daniel got his start in writing the same place he started reading--Fantasy (See JABBERWOCKY and HATTER). But other projects demanded their due and GIFTS AND CONSEQUENCES resulted. He is currently working on follow-up books as well as finishing a science-based Urban Fantasy novel.
Free Book Reviews
Why do you write?
Daniel Coleman
I studied Molecular and Cellular Biology in college. After that I spent a decade in the mortgage world. Yes, I know, it’s amazing I have any personality left at all. I was never passionate about any of my endeavors until I discovered writing as a creative outlet. Writing allows me to combine all of my life experiences into an artistic venture at which I continue to improve, but may never truly master. I personally don’t have any interest in reading a writer who feels they’ve mastered the craft.
Free Book Reviews
What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Daniel Coleman
Viewpoint. My goal is to get the reader inside my characters’ heads. As readers we want to experience danger, drama, and distress in a safe way. By writing a consistent viewpoint with deep penetration into the character’s thoughts and feelings, I give readers the emotions they are looking for.
Free Book Reviews
What quality do you most value in yourself?
Daniel Coleman
Humility. And my brilliant intellect, statuesque physique, chiseled good looks and witty sense of humor. But seriously, stepping into a role as a self-promoter is quite challenging. One thing I love about being a writer is that anyone in the world can pick up my book and judge my skills for themselves.
Free Book Reviews
In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?
Daniel Coleman
Ice cream, PEZ dispensers, Halloween costumes, and the creative process in general. And did I mention ice cream? I could go into my rant against the impostor that is ‘frozen dairy dessert’, but this isn’t the venue.
Free Book Reviews
What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?
Daniel Coleman
While nothing compares to the pride I feel when I see my kids succeed or make good choices, the marathon I ran last year pops into my head. I trained for over 6 months and planned on smashing my previous marathon time. But a week and a half before the race I dislocated my ankle. On top of that, I ended up with a cold the week of the race. One of my closest friends encouraged me to back out of the race so my ankle could heal. Up until the night before the race, I wasn’t sure if I would go through with it or not. I couldn’t jog 5 steps without intense pain.
With a goal of reaching the six-mile mark, even if it took me eight hours, I started the race. Less than four hours later I crossed the finish line six minutes faster than my previous time. That experience taught me more about myself and the indomitable human spirit than any experience of my life. I had considered not even taking the first step, but because I attempted it, it was one of the most successful experiences of my life. My experience was similar when I started writing. I didn’t think I would be any good, or that I would do my story justice. Buy after years of studying the craft and revising, I’ve produced a product I’m very proud of. This applies to all aspects of life. If there are readers of Free Book Reviews that have considered starting college, or trying their hand as a writer, or anything else that they think might be impossible, I encourage them to take that first step. Then the second. I’m convinced they will surprise themselves.
*stepping down from the motivation poster now*
Free Book Reviews
Is there any new or established author whom you feel deserves more attention, and what is it that strikes you about his or her work?
Daniel Coleman
You mean besides me? *wink, wink* Like most readers, I haven’t read as many authors as I’d like, but currently I’ve got a huge writer’s crush on Larry Correia (Monster Hunter International). Everything he writes is full throttle. I’ve met him a couple times, and his personality convinced me to buy his first book. I was pleasantly surprised to see the same upbeat, pedal-to-the-metal style in his writing. It doesn’t hurt that Larry started out self-published. He sold thousands of paperbacks before being picked up by Baen books. And now he’s got 6 novels coming out in 2011. He’s a paradigm of hope for any debut author, whether self-published or traditionally published.
For more about Daniel Coleman