Monday, June 20, 2011

Author Interview: Rick Godejohn author of Time In Eternity

About your book: Time in Eternity

Adrian has been around for a long time. He has been a member of the Garver Corporation for centuries. His new assignment is to act as a liaison to Marie Graves, a bright young master's student with very important research. But when Adrian discovers the real reasons for the Corporation's interest in Marie's work, he makes a decision that will change the world of the immortals. That decision places Marie in a situation more dangerous than she could ever have imagined. The new couple must work together to try and bring down the Corporation before the force and power of the Corporation takes away their future together forever.

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What do you think readers will find most notable about this book?

Rick Godejohn
The Relationships between the characters is real and relatable. Readers have told me that the relationships are the jewel of the story and drew them in.

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Have you acquired any good anecdotes surrounding this book? If so, could you share one?

Rick Godejohn
The science behind the plot line is pretty deep. I had to remind myself of the different levels of understanding of my readers. When I tried to explain the concept of a Nuclear Powered Reactor to my mother, I couldn't get past the "Hot rock, make steam, go roundy-roundy" stage. It reminded me to keep the theory behind DNA simple and as much of a background as possible. The story was in the characters more than the science.

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Did researching and writing this book teach you anything or influence your thinking in any way?

Rick Godejohn
This book made me realize how important communication and relationships were in contrast to the accumulation of knowledge and the search for one's place in the world.

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What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?

Rick Godejohn
Any good book satisfies and yet, leaves the reader wanting more. I love hearing people tell me that they couldn't put my book down, that they identified with the characters, and that they can't wait for the next book.

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Can you suggest one question readers might find interesting to discuss,
concerning you, your writing in general, or this book?

Rick Godejohn
What does this book reveal about our society and the way that people interact?

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How can readers help you promote this book?

Rick Godejohn
I'm sorry, but the cliche fits. Tell a friend. Write a review. Giving your opinion, good or bad, is still valuable lip service.

About You: Rick Godejohn

Rick Godejohn grew up in Columbus, Nebraska among a large family with three siblings. He had an average childhood, where he learned responsibility and attentiveness from his stay-at-home mother.
Rick tried his hand at college but lacked the discipline to succeed. This gap was mended with his time in the U.S. Navy. The navy taught him motivation and discipline. It also gave him the job skills to get a decent job as an electronics technician.
Rick now is married and lives in Okeechobee, Florida with his wife. He is currently working on the next book in The Immortal Struggles series.

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Why do you write?

Rick Godejohn
I write for the story. I had an idea that would not go away. I had to write it down. That idea became Time in Eternity, and the sequel is spilling into my laptop as we speak.

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What is your greatest strength as a writer?

Rick Godejohn
I have a great habit of getting to the point. I'm not going to describe a dot on a wall that isn't vitally important to the story. There's conversations to have and action to describe. A person's imagination is the best ally of a good writer, because it can fill in the intentional voids of the author's pen.

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What quality do you most value in yourself?

Rick Godejohn
I am a realist. While science fiction is fantastic and unreal, my writing is just outside of reality. Believability and reality help draw the reader into the story.

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In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?

Rick Godejohn
I love classic automobiles. I am a classic Mustang fanatic.

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What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?

Rick Godejohn

Finishing Navy recruit training (Boot Camp for non-military types) and Naval Nuclear Power School were the two most gratifying accomplishments of my life.

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Is there any new or established author whom you feel deserves more attention, and what is it that strikes you about his or her work?

Rick Godejohn
Douglas Adams is my favorite author. Regardless of philosophy or religion, his writing is both intellectual and hilarious.
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