Monday, May 30, 2011

Free Book Reviews rules of Posting

Currently our list of books to read is at 260 books as of this post. We are making every effort to get trough them as fast as possible but we still want to give each book its rightful time to be read. We are currently reading an average of 4-6 books per week and posting the reviews when time permits. In order to make this blog a little less confusing and a little more concise we are going to be making a few changes. Reviews will be posted on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Now on to our review policy:

Review Policy:

1. We do not give stars except for on other review sites that require star ratings.

2. We do not summerize the book(novel) in our review as we believe that adding the provided or available book synopsis to the post is clear enough besides a review is supposed to relate the feelings the book draws out not have the plot regurgatated.

3. Because of our respect for the written word and our belief that writing takes up time and effort we accept every book (except Erotica) submitted and place it in our TBR (to be reviewed) list. Keep in mind that it may take one or more months to get a review accomplished but we believe the wait is worth it. Also keep in mind that because of this our reviews may not be favorable to each submitted book.

4. Once a book has been reviewed we will email the link to the author and also place it on Twitter, Facebook, YouSayToo and Zimbio. To maximize your exposure we recommend that authors link the review on as many sites as possible. The more traffic your post gets the more exposure you get.

5. Our reviews are final and we will not change them for anything or anyone (with the exception of mispelling or mislinking). If an author complains about a review that does not have an exception the email will be posted as a comment.

6. We do allow and want authors to guest review books. Guest reviewing gives you as an author more exposure and also shows fans that you can be friendly to another author (whether you post a good/bad review). To review a book on our blog just send us a review of one of our TBR books (or one you know of that may not be on our list) and email your review to arobbins78 at gmail dot com.

7. To get your book reviewed just email arobbins78 at gmail dot com. In the email provide the name of your book, any links of where it can be purchased, your blog/website link, and a synopsis of your book unless you are fine with us using the one we find on Amazon....ETC.

8. Each review is the sole opinion of the author of said review. Again each book may or may not get a great review or even a good review. Please accept this as if an author emails us about a review and it is not about a typo or mislink then we will post the email as a comment to the review and still not change the review.

9. Submissions are on a first come first served basis, therefore if you check our TBR you can get an idea of how long you will need to wait for a review. Also we review the first copy submitted and do not accept numerous submissions of the same book, however we do like series.

10. We prefer authors to submit a coupon for Smashwords or gift from Amazon. We also accept print copy that can be mailed to the following:
Free Book Reviews
1616 S Maple
Sioux City, IA 51106

Now that we have the review part of our posting lets move on to Author Interviews. We will be starting to post Author Interviews on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from here on out (time permitting).

Interview Policy:

1. We have an interview form available here: Free Book Reviews Interview

2. Please fill it out completely. Such as name of book, description of book, answer each question, under about you please post a little about yourself, provide links to your book and links to your social sites/blog/website. Also provide links for the author/authors you promote with the last question.

3. Here are the questions. We think they are unique.
About your book: Book name, Description of Book
What do you think readers will find most notable about this book?
Have you acquired any good anecdotes surrounding this book? If so, could you share one?
Did researching and writing this book teach you anything or influence your thinking in any way?
What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?
Can you suggest one question readers might find interesting to discuss, concerning you, your writing in general, or this book?
How can readers help you promote this book?
About You: Your name, links to social sites/blog/website and blurb about you
Why do you write?
What is your greatest strength as a writer?
What quality do you most value in yourself?
In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?
What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?
Is there any new or established author whom you feel deserves more attention, and what is it that strikes you about his or her work? links to authors blog/website

4. As with the reviews we will post the interviews to Twitter, Facebook, YouSayToo and Zimbio and again we remind authors that it would benefit them to link these posts to as many sites as they can. The more traffic your post gets the more exposure you get.

Now on to Press Releases, Guest Blogging, Book Excerpts (otherwise known as book tours). All book tour posts will be posted on Sundays.

Book Tours Policy:

1. We reserve the right to not post any of the above for any reason.

2. All book tour posts will be posted "as is" so please proofread before sending them to us.

3. Please include any and all links to the book, author or any other site you may wish to promote. Email the information to arobbins78 at gmail dot com.

4. As with the reviews and interviews we will place them on Twitter, Facebook, YouSayToo and Zimbio and again we remind authors that it would benefit them to link these posts to as many sites as they can. The more traffic your post gets the more exposure you get.

We hope that this post has answered every question you have but we are not deluded enough to think we can so if you have any questions please feel free to contact us at arobbins78 at gmail dot com.

All policies are final and no exceptions will be made so please ensure you understand the policies prior to any submissions, if you do not understand something or have questions please ask. All reviews, interviews, press releases, book excerpts, general post and guest posts are the sole opinion of the author of such post. All book prices are current as of publication of each post and may change at any time without notice. On all reviews the author of the review more than likely received the book for free. Other than that this blog does not allow the authors of any posts to be paid for such posts. The only income from anything on this blog are the Google and Amazon ads.

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