Thursday, May 26, 2011

Formspring Question #171--Raising Herman Cain Edition

Where's your excitement for Herman Cain?
It is nonexistent. Herman Cain is not going to win the nomination, much less ever be president. He is polling in the single digits right behind Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. Trailing a has been pariah and a never was frequent candidate is not a promising place to be. Arguing lack of name recognition puts Cain behind unfairly is rationalizing his inevitable loss. The fact is, that is where he is and is likely to stay.

I am with Charles Krauthammer on Cain. He is not a serious presidential candidate. He is one of those who is running to boost his media credentials. He will say all the right things to get conservatives all fired up while paying little to no attention to independents--an indication he does not care about the general election--enough to make him a favorite among them. He will stay in the race as close to super Tuesday as he can, then get his own show on FOX sometime in 2013

He will wind up like Mike Huckabee. His show will be a decent sized hit for its kind. He will attack Barack Obama and the general decline of America due to progressivism, both playing on his supporters’ regret he did not win in 2012 while toying with them about a run in 2016 just enough to keep them hanging and earn some bargaining clout to re-up his contract with FOX.

I like the guy. He might even make a decent president, though I suspecyt he is too much of a political novice at the moment to start out as president. Note his mistake on ‘right of return“ last week. Foreign policy certainly is not his gig. I cannot get passed the reality of his situation. His supporters think he is a dream candidate. The thing about dreams is how often they do not come true.