Monday, May 30, 2011

Author Interview: Jennifer Rainey author of These Hellish Happenings

About your book: These Hellish Happenings In 1707, hapless vampire Jack Bentley made a pact with the Devil in order to escape a vampire hunt. Dealing with Satan seemed better than your standard angry mob at the time. But three centuries later, Satan is ready to collect His dues, whether the vampire likes it or not. He's taking Jack down to Hell, and He's even got a job picked out for him down below: an eternal position at the Registration Office of the Damned. Jack attempts to adjust to life on the Administrative Level of Hell where fire and brimstone have been replaced by board meetings and the occasional broken copier. But the whiny complaints of the recently-deceased and the legions of suited, cookie-cutter demons are the least of his problems. Try adding to the equation a dead ex-lover, a dangerous attraction to his high-ranking demon companion, Alexander Ridner, and the sticky and distorted anti-vampire politics of a Hell that is surprisingly like our own world.

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What do you think readers will find most notable about this book?

Jennifer Rainey
I hope that readers will find These Hellish Happenings to be original. I set out to craft something that was creative and could have a life of its own, and I hope that I've done that.

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Have you acquired any good anecdotes surrounding this book? If so, could you share one?

Jennifer Rainey
Well, I first got the idea for the book when I was grocery shopping, and I still get that tingly inspirational feeling when I go to that specific grocery store. The main character just stepped into my head, introduced himself and before I knew it, he'd kidnapped me and forced me to write his story! Three years later, here I am with one book published, and the next in the series in progress.

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Did researching and writing this book teach you anything or influence your thinking in any way?

Jennifer Rainey
I learned a lot about the mythology surrounding Hell! And I ended up using very little of it because I wanted to put my own stamp on the underworld. But still, I've retained a lot of the info, so if you ever need to know something about Hell, give me a ring. :P

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What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?

Jennifer Rainey
I would hope that they'd tell others to buy it, haha! Seriously, I hope they'd say it was humorous and quirky and something they should pick up if they'd like a read that's a little different.

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Can you suggest one question readers might find interesting to discuss, concerning you, your writing in general, or this book?

Jennifer Rainey
One topic I love discussing is the portrayal of vampires in literature. My vampires in These Hellish Happenings are very unsexy creatures. They're ungraceful, flawed, sometimes a little on the dorky side and about as far from Anne Rice or Stephanie Meyer as you can get. I'd like to ask readers how they like their vampires.

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How can readers help you promote this book?

Jennifer Rainey
Tell people about it. Get the word out. It would delight me!

About You: Jennifer Rainey

Jennifer Rainey was raised by wolves who later sold her to gypsies. She then joined the circus at the age of ten. There, she was the flower girl in the famed Bearded Bride of Beverly Hills show until the act was discontinued (it was discovered that the bearded lady was actually a man). From there, she wandered around the country selling novelty trucker hats with vaguely amusing sayings printed on front. Somehow, she made enough money to go to The Ohio State University for a major in English.

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Why do you write?

Jennifer Rainey
I'd go mad if I didn't, haha! I have to have some way to get these stories and these characters out of my head.

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What is your greatest strength as a writer?

Jennifer Rainey
I would say my dialogue is my greatest strength; I've always been very proud of it, and so far, readers have been very complimentary of it as well.

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What quality do you most value in yourself?

Jennifer Rainey
I'm very dedicated to my work, and I do not stop until I get a job done. No matter what kind of task it is, I really stick to it. I feel like I've let myself down if I don't.

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In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?

Jennifer Rainey
I'm in a folk band, and I love music. Listening to music, playing music, discussing music with other people. I might be considered a bit of a music snob by some, but I think that's only because I'm so obsessive about and defensive of the kinds of music I like, haha! I don't mean to be a music snob, or anything, it just tends to happen.

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What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?

Jennifer Rainey
I'm most proud of writing and publishing These Hellish Happenings. It took several years and a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get it all done, but the first time I saw it in print, I was beyond ecstatic. There was a lot of shrieking if I remember correctly!

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Is there any new or established author whom you feel deserves more attention, and what is it that strikes you about his or her work?

Jennifer Rainey
She's established already, so established that she's dead, but I have to say Charlotte Perkins-Gilman. She's an incredible writer; the first time I read her short story The Yellow Wallpaper, I was absolutely floored by how artfully-crafted and subtly terrifying it was. Unfortunately, I have not encountered her very much outside of college English classes, and I wish more people talked about her!

Find out more about Jennifer Rainey at and
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