Many of us will be considering buying new swimwear but how can we make sure that we choose the right pair of Speedos for us.
There are so many brands and designs of Speedo today that is impossible to cover them all but here are a few tips for buying and wearing your Speedo.

Firstly colour...
Color is as important as cut. There are many many different patterns out there. When selecting the color or pattern remind yourself where you are going to be wearing it.
If you have a pale complexion then it is best to avoid colors like red, black, white or yellow. These colors will accentuate pale skin and leave you looking washed out. Good colors to choose with pale skin are greens or blues these colors will enhance your skin tone and look fresh and classic.
If you have medium or dark skin then yellow, white and even red give great contrast and will draw all the right attention to your assets. I am a personal fan of white on a golden complexion. It looks fresh and very sexy.

Watch out for patterns and crazy designs with holes, bows and all that other jazz. Personally I think the hottest speedos are just the plain brief cut in a super hot color. Florals and patterns are awesome but don't pick designs that detract from the you the wearer.
Stripes are great, thin ones running vertically or thick ones horizontally.
Size and cut.

Speedo size and cut is important. Making sure that you are comfortable but also look good is a fine balance. Your Speedo shouldn't be so tight that it crushes your junk. You need to let it swing a little. The whole point of a Speedo is the package and the butt. Pick a size that sits well on your hips without cutting into your butt cheeks.
Briefs are great for shorter people or those with broader hips as they make the legs look longer and the hips in proportion.
Square cuts are great on guys with narrow hips as they accentuate the butt and the thighs.
How to wear your speedo.

Don't forget that the back of your speedo is just as important as the front. if you are like me and have a flat butt then don't let the Speedo sit too low or you could end up with bagging and it makes your butt look saggy. Position the Speedo so it sits just above the top of your but crack.
If you have a perfect bubble butt then kudos to you.
The beginners speedo.
If you are buying your first speedo and you are wondering if you are confident enough to wear it then start with something conservative. Plain black is a good color because they are just like work clothes. They do not draw attention and anybody in a plain black speedo looks like they mean business. If the briefs are too much for you to start with then a pair of square cut shorts or boyleg swimmers are a great way to ease yourself in before going for the full brief.
The visible Penis line.
There is one important rule about this sexy practice. LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION.
Walking around your local pool where there are kids present with a VPL through your white speedos is not cool!

As a general rule I would stay away from these gimmicks. Usually when you see somebody wearing one of these it is so obvious as to defeat the point of wearing it. A well fitting well worn speedo is 100x hotter that seeing a guy wearing a pouch that makes his junk look like a sack of potatoes.
So there you have it. A short guide to choosing and wearing a speedo for Summer. As with all things there are no hard and fast rules. Just get out there and have fun.
Before the purists shout at me because some of the items in this post are not specifically the "Speedo" brand, the word speedo has become synonymous with the kinds of design, style and cut adopted by many brands today. The word Speedo has become a colloquial term used now to describe swimwear of this genre.