Monday, May 3, 2010


I just got home from a few days in Melbourne. "A" had a friends 21st birthday and I decided to suprise him with a trip down. I have been back and forth between Sydney and Melbourne quite a lot this year and I am beginning to think that it may be time again to head back home. I miss my friends and family.

"Have you discovered yet how some angels- like the ones who heal with their smiles, who help light the way for others, and in whose path the flowers gently sway- are actually disguised as people?

And have you noticed that some of them don't even know they're Angels?".

In all our lives there are Angels. People who bring us joy, healing, happiness and care. The interesting thing though is that when you talk to people about those in their lives that they would consider their Angels you quickly realize that everybody at some point is someone's Angel.

Angels are you and me. We don't have to be particularly divine, we just need to help each other. Sometimes we don't even realize we are doing it.