Sunday, April 18, 2010

Playing catch up...

It seems nowadays that I am always playing catch up on the blog. Things get busy or something comes up and the blog suffers. For this I apologize, especially when I disappear without warning.

A lot has been happening and I have been really focussed on my work lately. Unfortunately after spending a few hours a day on the laptop editing all I want to do is sit in a quiet room so the blog gets neglected. But I am going to try to keep on top of things a lot more now.

A lot of opportunity has come to me through the blog so I think it would be foolish to let it fall by the wayside.

I am still looking forward to my time in the states. Thank you to those of you who have sent me emails with suggestions of all the things I should see. It is a working trip however so I will have limited spare time but I am really excited about getting to see New York.

Work has been going steadily and I am trying really hard to up my game. I have been putting a lot into getting more studio time and it is really starting to pay off. I have been getting a lot of advice from people in the fashion biz and other photographers and each time I follow through on their suggestions my work gets better again. 


I am really happy with my progress now. The shots above are from my most recent shoot. I am really happy with the results. 

I feel like I have made a lot of sacrifices over the past 12 months so that I can improve and continue my work. I have sacrificed holidays, my social life (believe it or not hehe), even my health (living on 2 minute noodles to save for studio time LOL) but in the end it has all been worth it. 

"No one else can tell you what your life's work is, but it's important that you find it. There is a part of you that knows - Affirm that part."

Willis W. Harman

I have changed my strategies slightly when it comes to finding work and promoting myself and it seems to be working. I am now looking for new designers and talent. Getting in on the ground floor so to speak. I am still passionate about shooting real estate but I also want to increase my fashion portfolio and that means more shots of models actually wearing clothes. I also need to start building on my work with female subjects, something which I have been putting off for a long time.

I am now working towards updating the website to make it look more mature. I need to bring it more inline with what is currently in industry so there will be some changes over the next month. I hope you like them.

My personal life is going well. I am very happy with where I am with "A". 
He makes me smile everyday. 

We spent 4 days together in Melbourne and had a nice time just hanging out together. I got to meet some of his family and see his family farm. It is so nice to be with someone who is just a regular guy without all the baggage that comes with the "scene". 

He is a bit of a romantic which is a nice change for me and I am loving the attention and the glow that it brings with it. It's been a long time since anyone has been able to get under my guard after the pain of my last relationship and although it is early days yet I am looking forward to seeing where this new adventure will bring me.

He did something really sweet for me yesterday and it was the first time someone has ever moved me to tears of joy. I was sitting on my bed and I just started crying and laughing. I have never had someone do that for me. All afternoon I was smiling and giggling to myself. My capacity to express myself is inadequate to the task of explaining how much joy he brings me.

Our time in Melbourne also gave me the chance to catch up with an old Girlfriend (read as female friend). She is a mutual friend with "J" my ex and it was the first time since the break up that I have had a chance to talk about what happened with somebody who actually knows him. It was nice to get a lot of things of my chest and to get some validation and an honest opinion. It's allowed me to let go of a lot of the anger.

Life is what it is and does what it does. I continue traveling along making up the path as I go. I am in a good place right now and the joy and abundance in my life is about to increase exponentially.

I hope you are all well
