The things and events of time and space are like Play doh; fictional, make believe.
What matter are what you feel in your heart and the dreams that flit through you head.
This is the ultimate test, to discover what's real in a sea of illusions.
You can do it or you wouldn't be here.
Don't look for clues, not even to your family, friends, or career. Look within.
You decide what's right. You decide what's possible.
You write the script and lay down the laws.
You are the door, the path, and the light.
From "Notes from the Universe" by Mike Dooley
What is real? In this world it is a simple matter of fact that nothing lasts forever. The permanency of a home, your body, the trees, the sky and everything else that makes up this universe is an illusion. Everything changes eventually. Everything has a beginning and everything has an end.
For me what is truly real is me and the feelings I have everyday. I am not talking about my flesh and blood. One day my body will die. The cells will break down and the elements that I am made up of will return to the universe to be recycled into something else.
My soul however will live on. Perhaps to come back changed again and again as I continue along the path of enlightenment. I say the path "of" rather than the path "to" because enlightenment is a journey not a destination. Every moment is a revelation.
I am the creator of my own reality. I choose to be happy and I choose be positive.
What is real for you?