Saturday, July 30, 2011

Author Interview: Rashaad Bell author of The Vampire Manifesto: Forgotten Future Anthology

About your book: The Vampire Manifesto: Forgotten Future Anthology

I remember the Forgotten Future.
Where destiny is epilogue and bygone is prologue.
I have witnessed the Weapons of the Gods fall into the hands of the Humanity Brood.
When the Gods themselves fall victim to their own mechanisms.
I have journeyed to the crossroads, places that cannot be found until their entrance coincides with your next impending footfall, where the space between spaces demands its audience in full.
I have lived through the Death of the Gods and witnessed their return, committing their teachings to memory. Would you presume to bare witness?
Have you heard the tale of the Vampire?
Yes, of course you have, but what have you learned of their secret?
If I could provide you with just a slither of comprehension, would you gleam a portion of this knowledge for yourself? Or would you just cry in the dark, praying for the Sun?
Yes, Brothers and Sisters, I remember the Forgotten Future very well indeed.
Come and sit with me child, for I have a story to tell.

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What do you think readers will find most notable about this book?

Rashaad Bell
I would have to say, the way my mind thinks. The way that I am able to mix the genre with different facets of other genre and it all seems to make sense. Also, the underlying connecting themes of the short stories all connect. You get this feeling that no matter which story you are reading, they all operate in the same world.

Free Book Reviews
Have you acquired any good anecdotes surrounding this book? If so, could you share one?

Rashaad Bell
Originally, this book was going to be a companion to my full length novel, The Vampire Manifesto, which I was typing on my Ipad. Well the Ipad spazzed out one day, and I was forced to return to factory settings and lost the full length novel I was writing on there. So since the book, Forgotten Future was already completed, I decided to drop it first, with a re-due of The Vampire Manifesto due out this October.

Free Book Reviews
Did researching and writing this book teach you anything or influence your thinking in any way?

Rashaad Bell
Yes, I spent a lot of time in the library, doing research on the different Gods people worship, how they came to the Earth, along with the type of technology they possessed during that time frame.

Free Book Reviews
What would you most like readers to tell others about this book?

Rashaad Bell
That everything I write is connected, they all have a place in the wider scheme of things. Anything I write will have ramifications on future stories, because they all operate within the same world.

Free Book Reviews
Can you suggest one question readers might find interesting to discuss, concerning you, your writing in general, or this book?

Rashaad Bell
Hmm...that's a good one. How do aliens, Gods, Vampires, Werewolves, Angels, Synthetic Machina, how can they all exist at the same time, yet still make sense?

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How can readers help you promote this book?

Rashaad Bell
Buy a copy, tell you're friends its really awesome. Yet on the flip-side, if it isn't awesome, I have provided multiple ways to contact me, tell me why you think it isn't as good as it could be. All I want to do is become a better writer, so if I'm doing something that doesn't click, let me know, so I wont make that same mistake again.

About You: Rashaad Bell

I am currently hyper extending myself into the space between moments to do battle with carnivorous sound and cannibalistic electrons.

Free Book Reviews
Why do you write?

Rashaad Bell
Because, I am the sole creator, it's my world, my story and I tell it the way I think it should be told. Plus I'm kinda good at it, I think, lol.

Free Book Reviews
What is your greatest strength as a writer?

Rashaad Bell
That I can walk down the street, just to buy something mundane, like Twizzlers, see something normal, like somebody I don't know, yet they posses their own personal style, and I can come up with a whole story about that person.

I can see a cloud formation and come up with a plot line, its crazy...

Free Book Reviews
What quality do you most value in yourself?

Rashaad Bell
That I don't try to impress anymore, what you see is what you get. Trying to live up to every ones else's expectations of what you should be will put you in the grave quicker then a bullet.

Free Book Reviews
In addition to writing, what else are you passionate about?

Rashaad Bell

Haha, I'm a nerd at heart, so I'm hardcore into comics and video games. Game of Thrones TV show and Vampire Diaries!

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What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life?

Rashaad Bell
Completing Marine Corps boot camp! Not a lot of people can make that claim. Next would be the publishing of my first book: Forgotten Future.

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Is there any new or established author whom you feel deserves more attention, and what is it that strikes you about his or her work?

Rashaad Bell
Geoff Johns. I love that dude! He writes the Green Lantern comics and just completed his run on Brightest Day. I'm sitting there reading and he just pulls this plot device out the blue that has not been mentioned in the entire series and I'm like: "What? Swamp Thing is the savior of the world? WTF?" Yet, by the time you finish the book you're like: "Swamp Thing, huh? Makes perfect sense!"

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