Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A year in status updates

I guess at some point we have all moaned about the inane chatter on facebook that is the status update. Mindless chatter over haircuts, bus rides and the ridiculously boring things our pets do.

I was surprised then to see just how important they can be when looked at in the context of a year. Like last year I have once again run through the "my year in status" update on facebook. The result is telling.

Now is the time of year that we look back over the last year and and it's lessons and look forward to the new year and the promise that it may bring. This year started in a dark place for me. I was tired and depressed over the events of the 3 months leading up to the beginning of 2010 for me. But seeing my status updates over the 12 months was an interesting opportunity to take stock of everything that has happened. The truth is that even the innocuous updates give an insight into or psychological state at the time. So here it is, my year in status.